2 out of 3 children in Peru live below the poverty line
A large percentage of homeless children are part of sex trade or gangs
In 2017, there were estimated over 700,000 homeless people in Peru
Many areas are without water and electricity.

Para Peru
Vested Networks Cares.
We donate $10 per phone to Para Peru.
Para Perú is a non-profit organization that supports the extremely important task of spreading the Gospel in Perú. Lauren's first mission trip to Peru developed from a short-term trip into a cross-continental move and has now spent over eight years living among the spiritually and physically impoverished people in Ventanilla District. She and her team share the incredibly Good News of Jesus Christ daily. She assists with providing thousands of meals annually to the homeless, providing funds for medical needs, clothing, and necessities. To learn more about Para Perú and how you can get involved, visit www.paraperu.org.